Interior Kingdom

The Catholic Emotional Regulation Program

Meet the answer to your prayers for patience! Get the course + materials + community to stop the emotional chaos, react peacefully to big feelings, and raise whole and holy kids.

Raise your hand if you

Teal outline icon of a person with puffs coming out of their ears and a question mark, lightening bolt, and exclamation point above their heads

are exasperated by your kids' "big feelings" and count down the minutes until bedtime.

Teal outline icon of a praying hands together

have begged God for help and got more opportunities to practice patience than the "real stuff."

Teal outline icon of a speech bubble indicating loudness

feel guilty for losing it on your kids more often than you'd like to admit (or take to Confession).

Teal outline icon of a person with their head in their heads and various speech bubbles around indicating overwhelm

are totally overwhelmed piecing together parenting tips from conflicting blogs and Instagram.

Hand up? I need you to know three things:

#1) You're not a bad parent.

God didn't forget to give you the "motherhood gene." It's just hard, for everyone (yes, even the Catholic mom influencers on Instagram).

#2) I've totally been there.

Yep, even as a therapist. And it's exhausting.

#3) It doesn't have to be like this.


There's six words I've discovered that can help the whole family regulate their emotions simultaneously, have fun doing it, and grow closer to each other and to Christ in the process.

  • #1You're not a bad parent.

    God didn't forget to give you the "motherhood gene." It's just hard, for everyone (yes, even the Catholic mom influencers).
  • #2I've totally been there

    and it's exhausting.
  • #3There is a solution.

    There's six words I've discovered that can help the whole family regulate their emotions simultaneously, have fun doing it, and grow closer to each other and to Christ in the process.

Want to know what those six words are? 

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The six words that are going to transform your family forever.

Catholic emotional regulation will help you connect before you correct through a play-based method of returning to peace in Christ.

Why does Catholic emotional regulation work?

Your kids' brains are always .5 seconds away from fight or flight mode. Everything is new and that constant learning means they're always on the brink of emotional chaos.

In other words, your kid freaking out over who pushed the buttons last? Actually a sign of healthy development. Good job! 👍

But let me guess, you ALSO feel like you're in constant survival mode - which is why your kids' outbursts are so triggering. It's not lack of patience; it's science.

So even though our impulse is to yell or punish our kids' big feelings (zero judgment, been there), all that does is add to the stress - and what's more is that when we're in that state, our brains literally can't learn anything because we're just trying to survive.

That's why Catholic emotional regulation works - because first our kids identify the God-given emotion they're experiencing, then we help them return to a place of peace using familiar faith tools and proven play-based learning strategies, and THEN we can teach.

But what does Catholic emotional regulation look like?

Picture this: Your child is having a full-blown meltdown because they wanted the red cup and you gave them blue (how dare you).

Instead of saying "they're all the same cup, stop crying" (even though it's what we're all thinking), you help them identify what they're feeling and then play a simple game to pick a calming strategy.

After that, you "call" Jesus and ask Him to help you process your emotions together.

Finally, now that they're calm, you talk about what they could have done instead.

What's more - the next time you give them the wrong cup, they don't throw a fit. 🤯 Instead, they simply ask for the blue cup, and you move on.

This isn't a fairy tale. This is what actually happens for the hundreds of families who have already learned Catholic emotional regulation through Interior Kingdom. (You can read their thoughts here.)

Before Interior Kingdom

Feeling exasperated by 8 am and snapping at everyone

Dragging your screaming toddler out of Mass and crying in the van for the rest of the liturgy - again

Resorting to yelling because you have no other way to get your kids to listen

Feeling totally inadequate at your parental vocation and out of control in your own home

After Interior Kingdom

Recognizing your own feelings and co-regulating with your children

Perhaps still needing to leave Mass for a bit, but able to quickly regulate and return peacefully

Calmly handling multiple simultaneous meltdowns at once

Actually enjoying your Domestic Church and confidently leading your family in a solid identity in Christ, big feelings and all

The point of Catholic emotional regulation is not to make your kids suddenly stop having tantrums or "behave better."

Sure, less outbursts might be an added benefit, but remember, big feelings are necessary for development. Emotions are going to happen - Interior Kingdom helps you to teach your whole family, including you, how to return to peace in Christ when they do.

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Ready for more peace in your home? Join hundreds of Catholic families already utilizing Interior Kingdom!

What's Inside Interior Kingdom

This isn't a course...or a calm down corner...or a community. It's all three! 

This isn't going to be one of those programs you buy and never use. In Interior Kingdom, I not only teach you how to implement Catholic emotional regulation for your family, I also give you the materials and support you need to actually do it.


The Course

Unlike other programs, we start with you, not your kids. As the "cycle-breaking" generation, we can't teach our kids these skills because we were never taught them - so we start with our own emotional regulation first!

Learn why your kids' outbursts are triggering and how to regulate yourself.

Figure out how to react in a way that validates EVERYONE'S feelings - including yours.

Discover how to teach - and learn! - these coping skills with your family using interactive lesson plans.

And no, this isn't "mantras" to cope or advice to just "offer it up" - these are the real-life strategies I used with families in my therapy practice.


The Kingdom Corner

Turn emotional regulation into a fun and faithful adventure with the Kingdom Corner! You get everything needed for a portable "Catholic calming corner," including

Feelings posters to foster emotional identification (that AREN'T kiddish or bright and overstimulating)

Biblical and saintly affirmation cards and play phone to connect the search for peace with faith

Map and compass game pieces that turn emotional regulation into a fun adventure (while learning coping skills)

And because they're all digital files, you can customize and print as many copies as you'd like for around your home or on-the-go.


The Community

I don't give you all of this and then just say "Good luck!" 👋 I continue to walk with and encourage you through our free community!

Because yes, there's the initial set-up to introduce this to your family, but what about when ______ (new baby comes/school starts/hormones kick in/you dare to give your toddler a bath)?

Emotional regulation is a long game, and I'll be there to answer any questions that come up along the way!

Plus, it's full of Catholic families like yours. Never fit into Catholic groups emphasizing discipline or secular groups touting New Age practices? These are your people!

But most of all, you get

Confidence in your ability as a parent (all while it feeling a LOT less hard)

No more "fear of feelings" since you know exactly how to handle meltdowns AND use them as a calm teaching moment

Emotionally-resilient kids who understand that all emotions are given to us by God (aka morally neutral) and how to express them

A "peaceful-in-the-chaos" home where you actually get to be the parent you want to be

What Other Catholic Families Are Saying About Interior Kingdom

  • Suzanne T.

    I cannot tell you how much this program has helped me, my husband, our children and so many others with whom we share what we learned! An example from earlier this week: my husband and I had gotten into an argument. The next day when I was calm with the Holy Spirit guiding, I texted an apology and possible solutions to our argument. My husband's response really shocked and surprised me. He apologized and said the trigger was... such and such....and he had been projecting...and the other trigger was...such and such...and then he said he was sorry again and would practice more emotional regulation. That Godsend shows me that emotional regulation is a real Heavenly pearl

    Suzanne T.
  • N.E.

    "I am literally telling everyone who will listen about IK. We are LOVING every bit of it! We have seen so many changes already...

    It's just been so eye-opening to me and my husband, and my oldest...(who) promptly said as soon as it was done, "My head is spinning, I understand myself so much more now!".

    Ok, I'll stop gushing...😉 It's just that transformational, I can't NOT gush!"

  • Christina Jaloway

    I’ve been to a lot of therapy in my life, some helpful, some not so much. But no therapist has taught me as much about regulating my own emotions as this program has….and that’s saying something. 🤯


    I HIGHLY recommend this program if you’re looking for ways to help your kids and *yourself* with emotional regulation. For the cost of ONE therapy session, you can learn how to integrate your emotional and spiritual life, and to help your children do the same.

    Christina Jaloway
  • Sterling Jaquith, Catholic author, speaker, and life coach

    "Finally! A program about feelings that's Bible-based. I was so turned off by the new-agey programs out there. This one is lovely and the kids really enjoy the language about kings, queens, and a castle! Thank you for all the scripture and saint quotes. We love it!"

    Sterling Jaquith, Catholic author, speaker, and life coach
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The perfect solution for Catholic families who want to calm the chaos while keeping God at the center


Here's what other families asked before joining Interior Kingdom.

Can this program work for non-Catholic Christians? (Absolutely!)

What about discipline? (We cover it!)

What ages is this program for? (The whole family!)

Do you need to have a dedicated space in your home for this to work? (Nope!)

Will this work for neurodiverse families? (Yes!)

You can find more in-depth answers to these and all of your other questions about Interior Kingdom on our FAQ page!

Hi, I'm Johanna!

You'd probably assume that since I'm a therapist, Catholic parenting comes really easy to me, and my kids are never, ever dysregulated...

...but everyone sitting behind us at Mass last week could assure you that is not the case. 😂

Becoming a mom taught me how much I didn't know, especially when it came to managing all of our complex feelings.

I tried piecing together emotional regulation from blogs and Instagram, but that was overwhelming and their "tricks" never worked in the moment.

And worse, it made me wonder, “But what about MY emotions? When do my big feelings get validated?!”

Praise God, I finally started integrating some of the play therapy techniques I used in my practice to our pursuit of emotional regulation, and the transformation in our family was like another Pentecost.

And the transformation wasn't just in my kids - it was in me, too. With Interior Kingdom, I was able to realize my own lack of peace WASN'T because of my kids - it was because I never learned emotional regulation myself.

So now, my kids and I are learning it together, and aside from faith, I think it is one of the most critical skills we can teach our kids as Catholic parents.

My goal? To raise a whole generation of Catholic kids that are free from the stress and anxiety we carry around so they can live out their God-given mission peacefully.

You too? I'd be honored to come alongside your family in this mission too.

- Johanna

Join Interior Kingdom and get started with Catholic emotional regulation today!

Lifetime access to the online course (broken up into nap-time-sized chunks!)

Everything you need for your printable (and portable!) Kingdom Corner - posters, game pieces, and 800+ scripture and saint card quotes

Access to our members-only community for ongoing support

Choose the plan that works for your family!


3 Payments of $57


1 Payment of $149

Save $22!

Looking to integrate Interior Kingdom into your school, church, or other group? Learn more about group licenses here.

Three easy steps to a calm and peaceful Domestic Church:

Here's the thing...

We know that the family is so important. We also know that this is where Satan attacks the hardest.

So it's no wonder that this is where you feel the most lost.

For the cost of one therapy session, you can give your children a spiritual and mental health foundation that will last long after they leave your home. We prioritize physical health - why not prioritize your family's mental health too?

Catholic emotional regulation is worth investing in. Your family’s foundation is WORTH fighting for. Let's create the calm family life God wants for you and your children.

Let's raise peaceful saints.

Ready to experience the vision God has for your family? Join Interior Kingdom, the Catholic emotional regulation program for the whole family!